Message from the Convener

 49 years ago, while I was at Bible School, I had wanted to be an Evangelist   but was compelled by my Father in the Lord to become a Pastor. However, as I approach the twilight of my pastoral journey, I have been experiencing a growing burden for soul-winning like never before. So, I decided to seek the face of God in prayers.

 Early this year, while ministering at a crusade I was invited to in Ghana, I was backstage and there was a video of the mission work of the ministry being played on the screen.

The funny thing is that this wasn’t the first time I have been invited to speak at this same event in the last few years and the same video has been played on all of those occasions but I never paid attention. For the first time, God opened my eyes to watch the video and the works they were doing. It resonated in greater measure with the vision God gave me.

From that moment I started working on this new assignment which is to bring the gospel of Christ to rural communities in the only way they can connect, and Christ Compassion for the Rural World (CCRW) – the biggest rural crusade for the kingdom of God, was born.

CCRW is not about me or any ministry, it is a non-denominational platform, set up as a vehicle to extend the love and compassion of God to remote villages and communities in an experiential and evidential manner. Therefore, I am calling on everyone to join me as we take our communities for Christ